Tripoli Minnesota Altitude Record Rules

Tripoli Minnesota Altitude Records

  • There are no prizes, only bragging rights.
  • Both commercial and research records will be recorded. Commercial records are classified by motor class. Research records will be classified as listed below.
  • Any size motor as long as you can fit an altimeter in the rocket.
  • Separate classes for single motor, hybrids and clusters / staged flights. For clusters or staged flights, add the total impulse of all motors to figure motor class.
  • All results MUST be measured by an onboard altimeter. For altimeters with barometric and accelerometer data, use the altitude derived from barometric data, it tends to be a more accurate indication of altitude. Sorry but no accelerometer only based altitudes accepted.
  • Altitude measured in feet above ground level.
  • Rockets must be returned in flyable condition.

Things to do for an altitude record attempt.

  1. BEFORE the flight, fill out two flight cards (keep one) and inform the LCO/RSO that this is a altitude record attempt.
  2. After the flight, you will need any two of the following to sign-off on the flight:
  • Any member of the Board of Directors
  • On duty LCO/RSO of the flight

Some more details:

  • Photo of you and the rocket – it will be posted on our website.
  • 1st 2nd 3rd place of all motor classes will be posted on our website. Each rocket can occupy only one place per class. There’s not much point to having all 3 places in any one section won by the same person with the same rocket, with only 100 feet or so difference in their flights.

Research Record Class

Diameter Length Class
24mm any E, F, G
29mm any F, G, H
38mm Under 12″ I
38mm Over 12″ J
54mm Under 12″ J
54mm 12″ – 24″ K
54mm Over 24″ L
75mm Under 26″ L
75mm Over 26″ M
98mm Under 29″ M
98mm 29″ – 48″ N
98mm Over 48″ O
5″ any O, P
6″ Under 80″ P
6″ Over 80″ Q